Market Update

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February 2023 Real Estate Update

Posted on Feb 06, 2023

Winter made itself known again this past week here in the Cowichan Valley. A cold snap led to a bit of the white stuff falling on the last day of January.

Property assessments have been updated for 2023 and they have increased noticeably on Vancouver Island and particularly here in the valley.  

January Sales Stats for Single Family Homes in the Cow...

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January 2023 Real Estate Update

Posted on Jan 05, 2023

Happy New Year!!!

As with every new year, we have an opportunity for change and there is certainly plenty of change with two new real estate rules in place for 2023.

The federal government’s ban on new foreign ownership of residential property is now law. Also, the new Home Buyers Rescission Period took effect a couple of days ago which largely tar...

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